Industrial technology

The most common connectors used in industrial applications
are Inline, Card-Edge, Modular Jacks and D-Subs. Inline waterproof connectors
are used where there may be exposure to fluids in industrial applications. Our
Inline 140 series non waterproof, is a wire to board connection frequently used
in process control, robotics, and other equipment to interconnect circuits. Card
edge are used in industrial equipment to connect boards that perform various
functions. One advantage of card edge is it can be easily and quickly replaced.
Modular jacks are used in industrial computers on assembly lines feeding data
back to control rooms. They’re also used to transfer data from one application
to another. D-sub connectors are also used for data flow connections to monitor
processes. Power combo versions can also drive power loads such as fans, servo
motors etc., up to 40 amps.